
Our service saves insolvency practitioners and solicitors time, effort and money across every aspect of insolvency notice advertising.

  • We handle all media contact, booking and placing your advertisement
  • London Gazette, Edinburgh Gazette and Belfast Gazette notices will be arranged for the following working day (or the same day if you require)
  • Adverts in local, national and international newspapers will appear as early as publisher deadlines allow
  • We ensure accuracy and compliance – our expert staff are fully versed in content and deadline requirements under the Insolvency Act and Rules
  • We provide certified proof of publication

To make the whole process as easy and efficient as possible, you may choose to:

  • Make use of our full range of forms, which highlight mandatory information and standard content; or
  • Email the text of your notice to

To download our forms, click here.


If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, get in touch today.


Audrey House
16-20 Ely Place
London EC1N 6SN